
:mountain: crest

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A program to automate common tasks with managing a scout unit. The program runs any number of configurable extensions preriodically, and as such it can be set up to run for multiple sections or units within one configuration file. Currently, the following extensions have been implemented:

:file_cabinet: Configuration

Place a file named config.yaml next to the application. This file will define the configuration to run the application with. For an example file, see config.yaml, for others, check the example yaml files. The exact nature of the config file is described in ApplicationConfiguration

  enabled: true
  - task_name: Scouts Terrain Approvals
    # Username and password for Terrain in the format branch-memberid
    username: nsw-123123
    password: ScoutsTerrainPassword

    # The GUID of the target unit. You must have unit council permissions for said unit. This can be found from opening network requests on Terrain
    unit_id: b3895042-9e1d-42ed-87d1-30b13020859f

    # The number of days to look backwards for recent approvals. See examples below
    lookback_days: 90

    # The incoming webhook url to post to

    # The cron schedule to run this task on. Make/validate your own at
    cron_schedule: 0 0 17 ? * TUE

  # This second task will ran in parallel with the first
  - task_name: Vennies Terrain Approvals
    username: nsw-321321
    password: password2
    unit_id: fb0b4b9b-e549-401d-93a8-10da3b89a047
    lookback_days: 60
    cron_schedule: 0 0 18 ? * THU

  - task_name: Scout Event Crawler - All Sections
    cron_schedule: 0 0 12 ? * MON
    # A list of regions from NSW to subscribe to updates from. Below are all possible values
    - state
    - south_metropolitan
    - sydney_north
    - greater_western_sydney
    - hume
    - south_coast_tablelands
    - swash

:runner: Running

Download and unzip the latest release and run the executable. The bash script below will do the same. If you have dotnet 6.0 installed then you can download the smaller framework-dependent file, otherwise the self-contained version must be used.

# Check the Releases tab for a more suitable asset

tag=$(curl -s "" | grep -o '"tag_name": ".*"' | cut -d'"' -f4)
if [ -z "$tag" ]; then
    echo "Error: Unable to retrieve latest release tag."
    exit 1

echo "Downloading from $download_url"

response=$(curl -sL -w "%{http_code}" -o $release_asset "$download_url")

if [ "$response" != "200" ]; then
    echo "Error: Failed to download release asset. HTTP status code: $response"
    exit 1

echo "Download completed successfully. Extracting..."
unzip -oq $release_asset -d ./
rm $release_asset
echo "Unzipped successfully"

chmod u+x Crest

:camera_flash: Program screenshots

Screenshots taken from two different units depicting the pending queue and recently approved achievements

:memo: Future features